Services for NGOs

The CAGI assists international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) already established or seeking to do so in the Geneva region.

Tax regime for employees

Persons employed by a Geneva-based NGO who reside in the canton of Geneva are subject to federal, cantonal and communal taxes on income and wealth. The same applies, to a certain extent, for employees who reside outside Switzerland.

On the other hand, persons domiciled in another Swiss canton are subject to taxes in the canton of residence (for example, the canton of Vaud).

Employees who are Swiss national or holders of an establishment permit (permit C) must complete an annual declaration of their income and wealth, on the basis of which taxes are calculated by the tax authorities.

Employees with a residence permit (eg B permit), who have no taxable wealth, are taxed at source on the salary they receive from NGOs. If they have assets, they must complete a tax declaration.

Employees residing outside Switzerland (eg cross-border workers) are taxed at source on the remuneration they receive from the NGO for the activity they carry out in Switzerland.

More practical information on the website of the Geneva Tax Administration .

Navigating the complexities and challenges of telework in the Geneva cross-border context

Information session (in English) in collaboration with Synergix and the Fédération Romande des Entreprises Genevoises (FER).

Other useful information
to recruit and employ staff

CAGI Recruitment Platform
Hiring assistance
Social insurances
Swiss labour law
Work permit and visa
Young professionals agreements

CAGI services
for NGOs and Permanent Missions


By appointment only: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

La Pastorale: Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève
Access by public transports (TPG): Line 5: stop Intercontinental; lines 8, 20, 22, 60: arrêt Appia. No parking on site.

Founded by the Swiss Confederation and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the International Geneva Welcome Centre is the single entry point for the support and integration of employees of International Geneva and their families, NGOs and visiting delegates.