Practical Geneva

Practical information for internationals living in Geneva.

Local life:

Media & Telecoms

Some practical information on the payment of the fee, the various multimedia subscriptions in Switzerland (TV, internet, telephone), as well as the various TV channels available and newspapers in Geneva.

In Switzerland, all households and businesses in principle pay a radio and television license fee, which concerns radio or television sets, smartphones and tablets or computers with Internet access. There are exceptions for:

The Serafe company collects the fee. It receives the data directly from the cantons and municipalities, households no longer have to register, unsubscribe or report household changes. Private households pay 335 francs per year.

Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) is a public service audiovisual company, belonging to the media group SSR (Swiss Broadcasting and Television Company), which offers programs on four radio channels, two TV channels and numerous digital platforms.
Depending on your access provider, you may also have access to various local TV channels in Geneva, in particular Léman Bleu.

For English speakers World Radio Switzerland (WRS) is the only English-language generalist radio station in Switzerland and a Swiss partner of the BBC.

In Switzerland, Swisscom, Sunrise UPC and Salt share the mobile telephony network. Swisscom is majority-owned by the Swiss Confederation.

Most providers offer combined mobile, internet and TV packages.

To help you choose between all the operators, visit

To help you choose among all the operators, consult the website.

TV network : no tenant can require the lessor to install the TV network. On the other hand, if the tenant wishes, he can obtain this installation by taking the costs at his expense.

Local newspapers are on sale in:

  • tobacco/newspaper kiosks,
  • boxes located in the streets.

Some newspapers are distributed free of charge in mailboxes ( Geneva Home Information – GHI) or available in the streets at bus stops and in the main public places ( 20 minutes).

Other useful information

Swiss labour law
Voting for Internationals
Emergencies & doctors

CAGI services

To learn about the practical aspects of daily life in Geneva and the region

Founded by the Swiss Confederation and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the International Geneva Welcome Centre is the single entry point for the support and integration of employees of International Geneva and their families, NGOs and visiting delegates.