Thematic city & country tours
- New! Traditional Switzerland Tour: discover the finest cultural products over the course of either a half or full day: Swiss Army Knife workshop, guided private tour of the sights of Geneva in a TukTuk, traditional fondue and chocolate tasting.
- Vineyard Tour : Welo takes you on a ride through the magnificent vineyards of Geneva. Discover in a new way the wine and cultural heritage of the region.
- Restotuk/Aperotuk : Come and enjoy your meal with friends, family or colleagues on the TukTuk, while strolling through the streets of Geneva, Carouge, or anywhere in the Canton.
- Urban Arts Tour : A multitude of spaces are hidden where art has imposed itself over the years. Whether you are an initiate or a simple amateur, our bike tour will make you discover all types of urban arts in Geneva.
Special offer:
15% off on the Traditional Switzerland Tour, Vineyard Tour, Restotuk / Aperotuk, Urban Arts Tour
Please specify in the form below at the section *order details* which tour, day and time you’re planning with all necessary infos and we’ll get in touch with Welo.